
Programming language: Rust
License: MIT License
Tags: Cryptography    
Latest version: v0.2.6

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๐Ÿด RusTOTPony


CLI manager of time-based one-time password generators. It is a desktop alternative for Google Authenticator.


Arch Linux

Packages, available in AUR:


Grab an appropriate binary from the latest release and put it in a place of your choice. If you're on *nix system, don't forget to set proper permissions: chmod +x totp.

Build manually

From crates.io

Make sure you have $HOME/.cargo/bin in your $PATH.

$ cargo install rustotpony

From source

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run cargo install from the inside of the repo directory
  3. Keep calm and wait for compilation

Probably, you will need gcc (Linux) or clang (Mac OS) to compile dependencies.


$ totp help
๐Ÿด  RusTOTPony 0.2.3
German Lashevich <[email protected]>
CLI manager of one-time password generators aka Google Authenticator

    totp [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    add          Add a new generator
    dash         Show realtime dashboard with all generators
    delete       Delete generator
    eradicate    Delete all generators
    help         Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list         List all generators
    rename       Rename generator

Try `totp help [SUBCOMMAND]` to see help for the given subcommand

Choose your password wisely

At the very first run totp asks for a password for a new database. It's located at $HOME/.rustotpony/db.json (don't be confused by json extension, actually, it's a binary file). If you forget the password or want to change it, you have to remove $HOME/.rustotpony directory. It's not convenient, but I'm going to improve usablity and an option for changing password.

Basic scenario

  1. Retrieve a secret key from your TOTP provider (it must be encoded with base32, for example: GEZDGMZSGE2TKCQ=)

    $ # Creating a fake secret key for demo purposes
    $ echo 123321555 | base32
  2. Add new generator with totp add <NAME> (you will be asked for a secret and a password)

    $ # Adding a new TOTP generator
    $ totp add demo
    Enter your secret code: 
    Enter your database pass: 
    New application created: demo

    If it's not the first run, you'll be asked for password twice: for opening database and for saving it.

  3. Use totp list to check your secrets

    $ # Listing all secrets in the database
    $ totp list
    Enter your database pass: 
    | name | key              | username |
    | demo | GEZDGMZSGE2TKNIK |          |
  4. Use totp dash or just totp for realtime dashboard

    $ # Display real-time dashboard with all generators
    $ totp
    Enter your database pass: 
    Welcome to RusTOTPony realtime dashboard! Press ^C to quit.
    [=============================================               ]
    009216 demo
  5. After hitting C it'll cleanup the dashboard

    $ totp
    Enter your database pass: 
    I won't tell anyone about this ๐Ÿคซ


  • command completion
  • database password caching
  • tests
  • refactor show and show-all commands


Licensed under the MIT License.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the rustotpony README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.