arrayfire-rust v3.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-05-20 // almost 8 years ago
  • โšก๏ธ Major Updates

    • API breaking change is that error handling mechanism of returning Result objects from functions has been replaced with a callback style error handling. By default, we provide an error handler that panics with an appropriate message when a given function call or operation fails. If the users chooses to, they can also implement the error handler by themselves and call register_error_handler that lets the user set the function that has to handle the error values returned by ArrayFire FFI calls.
    • ๐Ÿ”จ enum Aftype has been refactored to DType
    • ๐Ÿ‘ CPU backend supports aysnchronous execution.
    • ๐ŸŽ Performance improvements to OpenCL BLAS and FFT functions.
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved performance of memory manager.
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improvements to visualization functions.
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved sorted order for OpenCL devices.

    ๐Ÿ†• New Functions and Features:

    • Scatter plot added to graphics functionality
    • New function get_active_backend that gives us the current active backend.
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved Array Creation/Generation API
    • โž• Added mem_info macro to print GPU memory usage information to standard output.
    • โž• Added af_print macro.
    • โž• Added traits clone and partialeq to all enums.
    • โž• Added traits partialeq and debug to type Dim4.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ transform() now supports perspective transformation matrices.
    • Type Array now has the implementations for the compound assignment operations traits. These traits are auto-enabled only if you are using Rust >= 1.8.0 since those traits are stabilized from that particular version.
    • A few new member functions are added to object Array.
    • Following are the other miscellaneous functions added to the library
      • is_lapack_available - Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with LAPACK functions enabled
      • is_imageio_available - Returns true if ArrayFire was compiled with Freeimage enabled
      • New member function for Array Object, get_device_id, that gets the device id on which the array resides.

    ๐Ÿš€ Following are the community contributors for this release.

    Thank you guys!