curve25519-dalek v2.0.0 Release Notes

    • 🛠 Fix a data modeling error in the serde feature pointed out by Trevor Perrin which caused points and scalars to be serialized with length fields rather than as fixed-size 32-byte arrays. This is a breaking change, but it fixes compatibility with serde-json and ensures that the serde-bincode encoding matches the conventional encoding for X/Ed25519.
    • ⚡️ Update rand_core to 0.5, allowing use with new rand versions.
    • Switch from clear_on_drop to zeroize (by Tony Arcieri).
    • 🚚 Require subtle = ^2.2.1 and remove the note advising nightly Rust, which is no longer required as of that version of subtle. See the subtle changelog for more details.
    • ⚡️ Update for 2.x series.
    • ✂ Remove the hack which loaded the entire crate into its own to generate constants, and keep the constants in the source code.

    The only significant change is the data model change to the serde feature; besides the rand_core version bump, there are no other user-visible changes.