nalgebra v0.21.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-04-05 // about 4 years ago
  • In this release, we are no longer relying on traits from the alga crate for our generic code. Instead, we use traits from the new simba crate which are both simpler, and allow for significant optimizations like AoSoA SIMD.

    Refer to the monthly dimforge blogpost for details about this switch and its benefits.

    ➕ Added

    • It is now possible to use SIMD types like simba::f32x4 as scalar types for nalgebra's matrices and geometric types. ### Modified
    • Use of traits like alga::general::{RealField, ComplexField} have now been replaced by simba::scalar::{RealField, ComplexField}.
    • The implementation of traits from the alga crate (and well as the dependency to alga_) are now omitted unless the alga cargo feature is activated. ### ✂ Removed
    • The Neg unary operator is no longer implemented for UnitComplex and UnitQuaternion. This caused hard-to-track errors when we mistakenly write, e.g., -q * v instead of -(q * v).
    • The na::convert_unchecked is no longer marked as unsafe.