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Client packages

Showing projects tagged as Client

  • reqwest

    9.5 8.9 Rust
    An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
  • hematite

    7.7 0.0 Rust
    A simple Minecraft written in Rust with the Piston game engine
  • cdrs

    5.0 0.0 Rust
    Cassandra DB native client written in Rust language. Find 1.x versions on Looking for an async version? - Check WIP
  • kubernetes-rust

    4.3 1.9 Rust
    Rust client for Kubernetes
  • cassandra-rs

    4.0 6.2 Rust
    Cassandra (CQL) driver for Rust, using the DataStax C/C++ driver under the covers.
  • rust-memcache

    3.7 5.5 Rust
    memcache client for rust