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Email packages

Showing projects tagged as Email

  • lettre

    7.8 8.1 Rust
    a mailer library for Rust
  • css-inline

    4.3 8.7 Rust
    High-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes
  • MRML

    4.2 0.0 HTML
    DISCONTINUED. Implementation of mjml in rust
  • mailparse

    4.1 4.5 Rust
    Rust library to parse mail files
  • sendgrid-rs

    3.6 5.8 Rust
    Unofficial Rust library for the SendGrid API
  • 📬 emval

    3.4 8.8 Rust
    emval is a blazingly fast python email validator written in rust.
  • atarashii_imap

    1.5 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. 新しい (atarashii/new) IMAP client in Rust. It supports plain and secure connections