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Gtk packages

Showing projects tagged as Gtk

  • gtk

    8.0 4.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. DEPRECATED, use repository instead!
  • systemd-manager

    7.3 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. a systemd service manager written in Rust using GTK-rs.
  • Popsicle

    6.1 3.4 Rust
    Multiple USB File Flasher
  • Relm4

    5.2 9.5 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. An idiomatic GUI library inspired by Elm and based on gtk4-rs [Moved to:]
  • tv-renamer

    3.5 0.0 Rust
    Mirror of
  • rrun

    3.1 0.0 Rust
    minimalistic command launcher in rust
  • 💾 nfd2

    1.6 3.2 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. OS native dialogs for Windows, MacOS, and Linux