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HTTP Client packages

Showing projects tagged as HTTP Client

  • reqwest

    9.5 8.9 Rust
    An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client
  • ureq

    7.6 9.6 Rust
    A simple, safe HTTP client
  • curl-rust

    7.1 6.6 Rust
    Rust bindings to libcurl

    6.0 10.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Completely OBSOLETE Rust HTTP library (server and client)
  • Teepee

    5.7 10.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Teepee, the Rust HTTP toolkit
  • rama

    4.1 9.9 Rust
    modular service framework to move and transform network packets
  • curl-rs

    0.7 0.0 Rust
    A curl(libcurl) mod for rust.