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Image packages

Showing projects tagged as Image

  • imageproc (PistonDevelopers)

    6.7 8.5 Rust
    Image processing operations
  • img-hash

    4.9 0.0 Rust
    A Rust library for calculating perceptual hash values of images
  • Raster

    2.9 0.0 Rust
    An image processing library for Rust
  • steganography

    2.9 0.0 Rust
    A simple steganography library written in rust
  • blit

    1.3 4.1 Rust
    :space_invader: Blitting library for 2D sprites
  • specs-blit

    0.8 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. 🤹‍ 2D sprite rendering extension for the specs ECS system