

This code generator gets you started quickly to use Rust code from Qt and QML. In other words, it helps to create a Qt based GUI on top of Rust code.

Qt is a mature cross-platform graphical user interface library. Rust is a new programming language with strong compile time checks and a modern syntax.

Programming language: Rust
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 only
Tags: GUI     Qt     Qml     Bindings    

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Rust Qt Binding Generator

[Rust Qt Binding](demo/rust_qt_binding_generator.svg)

This code generator gets you started quickly to use Rust code from Qt and QML. In other words, it helps to create a Qt based GUI on top of Rust code.

Qt is a mature cross-platform graphical user interface library. Rust is a new programming language with strong compile time checks and a modern syntax.

Getting started

There are two template projects that help you to get started quickly. One for [Qt Widgets](templates/qt_widgets) and one for [Qt Quick](templates/qt_quick). Just copy these folders as new project and start coding.

Qt Widgets (main.cpp) / Qt Quick (main.qml) ⟵ UI code, written by hand src/Binding.h ⟵ generated from binding.json src/Binding.cpp rust/src/interface.rs rust/src/implementation.rs ⟵ Rust code, written by hand

To combine Qt and Rust, write an interface in a JSON file. From that, the generator creates Qt code and Rust code. The Qt code can be used directly. The Rust code has two files: interface and implementation. The interface can be used directly.

    "cppFile": "src/Binding.cpp",
    "rust": {
        "dir": "rust",
        "interfaceModule": "interface",
        "implementationModule": "implementation"
    "objects": {
        "Greeting": {
            "type": "Object",
            "properties": {
                "message": {
                    "type": "QString",
                    "write": true

This file describes an binding with one object, Greeting. Greeting has one property: message. It is a writable property.

The Rust Qt Binding Generator will create binding source code from this description:

rust_qt_binding_generator binding.json

This will create four files:

  • src/Binding.h
  • src/Binding.cpp
  • rust/src/interface.rs
  • rust/src/implementation.rs

Only implementation.rs should be changed. The other files are the binding. implementation.rs is initialy created with a simple implementation that is shown here with some comments.

use interface::*;

/// A Greeting
pub struct Greeting {
    /// Emit signals to the Qt code.
    emit: GreetingEmitter,
    /// The message of the person.
    message: String,

/// Implementation of the binding
/// GreetingTrait is defined in interface.rs
impl GreetingTrait for Greeting {
    /// Create a new greeting with default data.
    fn new(emit: GreetingEmitter) -> Greeting {
        Greeting {
            emit: emit,
            message: "Hello World!",
    /// The emitter can emit signals to the Qt code.
    fn emit(&self) -> &GreetingEmitter {
    /// Get the message of the Greeting
    fn message(&self) -> &str {
    /// Set the message of the Greeting
    fn set_message(&mut self, value: String) {
        self.message = value;

The building block of Qt and QML projects are QObject and the Model View classes. rust_qt_binding_generator reads a json file to generate QObject or QAbstractItemModel classes that call into generated Rust files. For each type from the JSON file, a Rust trait is generated that should be implemented.

This way, Rust code can be called from Qt and QML projects.

Qt Widgets with Rust

This C++ code uses the Rust code written above.

#include "Binding.h"
#include <QDebug>
int main() {
    Greeting greeting;
    qDebug() << greeting.message();
    return 0;

Qt Quick with Rust

This Qt Quick (QML) code uses the Rust code written above.

Rectangle {
    Greeting {
        id: rust
    Text {
        text: rust.message

Demo application

The project comes with a demo application that show a Qt user interface based on Rust. It uses all of the features of Object, List and Tree. Reading the demo code is a good way to get started.

Qt Widgets UI with Rust logic

Qt Quick Controls UI with Rust logic

Qt Quick Controls 2 UI with Rust logic

Docker development environment

To get started quickly, the project comes with a Dockerfile. You can start a docker session with the required dependencies with ./docker/docker-bash-session.sh.

More information on Qt



Information on Qt


Please report bugs and feature requests in the KDE issue tracker, product "rust-qt-binding-generator".