rust-sdl2 v0.30 Release Notes

  • Re-exported sdl2_sys as sdl2::sys

    PR #632

    The path of soundness isn't an easy one; sometimes ease of use has to be sacrificed for soundness and safety! This change is a breaking change, and a huge one at that.

    ๐Ÿ”จ You will probably have to refactor some parts of your code, but this is the price to pay for soundness and runtime safety.

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes:

    • Renderer has been renamed and split into Canvas and TextureCreator.
    • Canvas can store a Surface or a Window, and can be used to render into these as well. TextureCreator creates Textures and is used by Texture to make sure they don't live longer than expected.
    • set_render_target has been removed and has been replaced with Canvas::with_texture_canvas and Canvas::with_multiple_texture_canvas
    • โœ‚ Deleted WindowRef, it wasn't useful anymore.

    Other Changes:

    • โž• Added PixelFormatEnum::supports_alpha(&self) -> bool method.
    • A single Game Of Life example has been added to show the basic capabilities of the new Canvas and TextureCreator structs, as well as adding a very basic game to show how to handle input / game changes in a basic game.

    You won't have to worry about what target your Renderer has at runtime anymore, everything is done at compile time now !

    PR #628

    • ๐Ÿ“„ Changed signature of Surface::fill_rects (old | new)
    • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed various Option<T> parameters into Into<Option<T>> parameters. For instance, it is now possible to do this:
    surface.blit(None,Rect::new(5,5,5,5)); // instead of surface.blit(None,Some(Rect::new(5,5,5,5)));

    PR #639

    • โž• Added hint-specific functions to sdl2::hint
    sdl2::hint::set_video_minimize_on_focus_lost(bool) -> bool;
    sdl2::hint::set_video_minimize_on_focus_lost_with_priority(bool, sdl2::hint::Hint) -> bool;
    sdl2::hint::get_video_minimize_on_focus_lost() -> bool;

    PR #629

    • ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Change: Changed Color to be a struct rather than an enum.
    • Takes less space, easier to use, old constructors are still available.
    • Matching is no longer necessary to read the component values.
    • Struct rather than variant construction is required in static initializers.
    let color = Color { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 };
    let color = Color::RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255);
    let color = Color::RGB(255, 0, 0);
    let (r, g, b) = color.rgb();
    let (r, g, b, a) = color.rgba();

    PR #651

    • VideoSystem::display_name now returns a Result<String, String> instead of a String.
    • This prevents a segfault when the requested display index is out of bounds

    commit e9681a0fe

    • window.surface() has been changed and is now more intuitive to use.
    • The example in examples/ shows how to use this feature.

    PR #635

    • ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecated Rect::contains, added Rect::contains_point and Rect::contains_rect. contains and contains_point are close but different ! See here