
Programming language: Rust
License: MIT License
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A tool used to evaluate the output of retrieval algorithms. Written in Rust.


Install Rust with

curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh

and build the release version with

git clone <rusteval repo name>
cd rusteval
cargo build --release


Before testing, unzip the test result file found in the fixtures/ folder with (unzipped this is >100Mb):

gunzip fixtures/G1_TRACK_I_Bentham.xml.gz

Run the test suite with

cargo test --release

or, for a more verbose output

cargo test --release -- --nocapture


After building and testing, run rusteval with

target/release/rusteval <relevance file> <result file>

The fixtures/ folder contains some examples of relevance and result files (see below for an explanation of what these files are). For example, in order to reproduce some of the results of the ICFHR'14 keyword spotting competition, you can run

target/release/rusteval fixtures/TRACK_I_Bentham_ICFHR2014.RelevanceJudgements.xml fixtures/G1_TRACK_I_Bentham.xml

This should produce the results of evaluation of method 'G1' for the 'Bentham' track of the competition. Results show up for each of the selected queries, and averaged over all queries. The last lines of the output should read something like

MEAN:  precAt5    precAt10   ap
       0.73813    0.60268    0.52402

This output means that mean precision at 5 is 73.8%, mean precision at 10 is 60.2%, and mean average precision (MAP) is 52.4% for the submitted method.

The retrieval paradigm, relevance and result files

The retrieval paradigm typically presupposes a finite set of queries, each associated with a finite set of matching tokens.

A retrieval algorithm returns an ordered list for each query, representing all tokens from best to worst match.

This information is necessary for evaluation. Input to the tool is read from two distinct text files, the relevance file and the result file.

The relevance file tells us:

  • What and how many are our queries
  • With what matching tokens does each query actually match

The result file tells us:

  • What is the ordered list of matching tokens, from best to worst match, for each query

Supported input file formats

trec_eval format

This format has been originally introduced for use with the trec_eval evaluation software.

Relevance file

Relevance files follow the format

qid  0  docno  rel

for each text line.

The line above tells us that query with id qid matches with token docno. The degree that the query and each token match is encoded as the floating-point value rel, taking values in [0, 1]. A perfect match has rel = 1.

Sample relevance file:

cv1 0 tok1 1
cv1 0 tok2 1
cv1 0 tok3 0
cv2 0 tok1 0
cv2 0 tok2 0
cv2 0 tok3 1

This tells us that query cv1 matches with tokens tok1 and tok2 but not tok3; query cv2 matches with token tok3 only.

Results file

Result files follow the format

qid 0 docno rank sim run_id

for each text line.

rank is an integer that is ignored but required by the format, and has to be in the range [0, 1000] according the documentation. sim is a floating-point value. Higher sim corresponds to a better match. run_id is also required but ignored.

According to the docs, the file has to be sorted according to qid.

Sample result file:

cv1 0 April_d06-086-09 0 -0.960748 hws
cv1 0 April_d05-008-03 1 -1.307986 hws
cv1 0 April_p03-181-00 2 -1.372011 hws
cv1 0 April_d05-021-05 3 -1.394318 hws
cv1 0 April_e06-053-07 4 -1.404273 hws
cv1 0 April_g01-025-09 5 -1.447217 hws
cv1 0 April_g01-027-03 6 -1.453828 hws
cv1 0 April_p03-072-03 7 -1.556320 hws
cv1 0 April_g01-008-03 8 -1.584332 hws
cv1 0 April_n01-045-05 9 -1.682590 hws

This shows results for matches with query cv1. The best match is April_d06-086-09, the worst match is April_n01-045-05. Note again that is is the rank value that encodes the order of the matches, i.e. the penultimate floating-point number in each line.

icfhr'14 keyword spotting format

This format is adapted to be used with keyword spotting, a form of image retrieval where retrieved elemens are word images, typically cropped off a containing document image. It has been used for the ICFHR'14 keyword spotting competition.

Tokens are defined with an XML word tag, that must contain the following fields in this particular order:

  • document
  • x
  • y
  • width
  • height
  • Text (optional)
  • Relevance (optional; default value = 1)

Note also that rusteval requires that each line must contain at most one XML tag.

Relevance file

Sample relevance file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GroundTruthRelevanceJudgements xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <GTRel queryid="query1">
    <word document="027_029_001" x="159" y="1775" width="184" height="89" Text="possess" Relevance="1" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="860" y="1774" width="180" height="89" Relevance="1" />
  <GTRel queryid="query2">
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1490" y="1769" width="176" height="86" Relevance="1" />
    <word document="071_053_004" x="354" y="790" width="319" height="108" Text="possesst" Relevance="0.7" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1460" y="178" width="298" height="98" Relevance="0.6" />
Result file

The quality of the match is encoded by the order in which the token appears in the file.

Sample result file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelevanceListings xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <Rel queryid="query1">
    <word document="027_029_001" x="159" y="1775" width="184" height="89" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="860" y="1774" width="180" height="89" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1490" y="1769" width="176" height="86" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1015" y="2182" width="189" height="87" />
    <word document="071_053_004" x="92" y="607" width="220" height="138" />
  <Rel queryid="query2">
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1015" y="2182" width="189" height="87" />
    <word document="071_053_004" x="92" y="607" width="220" height="138" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="159" y="1775" width="184" height="89" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="860" y="1774" width="180" height="89" />
    <word document="027_029_001" x="1490" y="1769" width="176" height="86" />

In this example, for query2 the best match is document="027_029_001" x="1015" y="2182" width="189" height="87", and the worst match is document="027_029_001" x="1490" y="1769" width="176" height="86".


Precision at 5

Precision at 5 is defined as the ratio of the number of instances, among the k closest matches, that are correctly retrieved, divided by k. For Precision at 5, k equals to 5, or the total number of possible matches if this number is less than 5 (the software provided with the keyword spotting competition of ICFHR 2014 also uses this convention). Precision at 10 is defined in an analogous manner.

Average Precision

Average precision is defined as the weighted average of 'Precisions at k' for all possible values of k. The weight depends on k and equals to one if the k-th retrieved instance is a match. Otherwise it equals to zero.

For more details, see

    title = "A survey of document image word spotting techniques",
    author = "A. P. Giotis and G. Sfikas and B. Gatos and C. Nikou",
    journal = "Pattern Recognition",
    volume = "68",
    number = "",
    pages = "310 - 332",
    year = "2017",
    publisher = "Elsevier"