rustfmt v1.5.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-06-14 // almost 2 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed

    • Simplify the rustfmt help text by eliding the full path to the rustfmt binary path from the usage string when running rustfmt --help #5214

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • โœ‚ Remove duplicate imports when imports_granularity is set to Item #4725
    • Properly handle stdin input containing an inner skip attribute #5368
    • Maintain attributes on imports when imports_granularity is set to Item #5030
    • Format empty trait definitions as a single line when both empty_item_single_line is enabled and brace_style is set to AlwaysNextLine #5047
    • Don't change granularity of imports containing comments with imports_granularity if doing so could lose or misplace those comments #5311
    • Prevent rustfmt from removing trailing comments at the end of files annotated with inner #![rustfmt::skip] attributes #5033
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed various error[internal]: left behind trailing whitespace" issues:
      • Remove trailing whitespace when formatting a where clause who's bounds have an empty right hand side #5012 #4850
      • Prevent rustfmt from adding an empty comment line when rewriting markdown lists at the start of doc comments. This issue was triggered when wrap_comments=true #5088
    • Prevent adding a block indented newline before a function parameter with a complex type that was formatted over multiple lines #5125
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix various module resolution issues preventing rustfmt from finding modules that should be formatted:
      • Handle external mods imported via external->inline load hierarchy #5063
      • Resolve sub modules of integration tests #5119
      • Module resolution will fallback to the current search directory if a relative directory search results in a FileNotFound error #5198
    • Give users a clearer error message when resolving a module who's file path is ambiguous (e.g and x/ Before users were given a File not found error message which was confusing #5167
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix various issues related to type aliases:
      • Prevent rustfmt from adding = impl to associated types defined in macro bodies #4823
      • Properly block indent type alias impl traits (TAITs) that wrap to the next line when version=Two is set. Before any trait bounds that wrapped to the next line would not be indented #5027
      • Prevent rustfmt from adding an impl Trait definition into types #5086
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix cases where normalize_comments=true would de-normalizes some comments by changing inline comments into block comments #4909
    • ๐Ÿ’… Prevent rustfmt from wrapping the content of markdown reference-style links in doc comments #5095 #4933
    • Don't format files annotated with inner #![rustfmt::skip] attribute PR #5094
    • Prevent duplicate comma when struct pattern ends with .. and trailing_comma=Always. For example, let Foo { a, .. } = b; would become let Foo { a,, .. } = b; #5066
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix the order of static and async keywords when rewriting static async closures. The correct order is static and then async (e.g static async || {}) #5149
    • Retain the fully qualified path segment when rewriting struct literals in expression position. Now <Struct as Trait>::Type is not rewritten as Trait::Type #5151
    • ๐Ÿšš Do not remove match arm braces from a match arm with a single ast::ExprKind::Block that has leading attributes. Removing the braces could lead to code that does not compile. Now rustfmt will leave the outer {} in place when formatting => {#[allow(unsafe_code)]unsafe {}} #4109
    • Backport json emitter and stdin changes PR #5054
      • Make --check work when running rustfmt with input from stdin PR #3896
      • Fix --check with the --files-with-diff flag PR #3910
      • Produce valid JSON when using the JSON emitter PR #3953
      • Fix newlines in JSON output PR #4262
      • Use <stdin> when emitting stdin as filename PR #4298
    • Always generate some output when formatting @generated files via stdin even when format_generated_files=false. Not producing output caused rust-analyzer to delete the file content rust-lang/rust-analyzer #5172
    • Properly block indent multi-line comments in empty struct definitions. Previously, only the first comment line would be block indented. All other comment lines would be aligned with the struct definition #4854
    • Prevent rustfmt from wrapping a comment at a byte position inside a non-ascii character when wrap_comments=true. This prevents rustfmt from panicking when breaking on the invalid position #5023
    • ๐Ÿšš Prevent rustfmt from removing commented out trailing separators (e.g commas) when rewriting lists. For example, remove the comma from a comment like this // ..., would lead to a scenario where the entire list could not be rewritten because the content of the comment changed #5042
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix panic when import_granularity was set to Module, One, or Crate and the import use declaration contained an alias use crate a::b as b1 #5131
    • โž• Add a newline between generic parameters and their doc comments to prevent the generic parameters from being merged into their doc comments #5122
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixes indentation issue where string literals manually broken with line continuation characters (\) would be incorrectly indented in macro definitions when setting format_strings=true#4036
    • Properly wrap and format long markdown block quotes when wrap_comments=true #5157
    • Prevent rustfmt from wrapping markdown headers even when wrap_comments=true. Wrapping the markdown headers would prevent them from being properly rendered with rustdoc #5238
    • Prevent rustfmt from removing commas between struct fields when those fields were also separated by an empty line #4791 #4928
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix compiler error caused when formatting imports with imports_granularity=Module and a path containing self. Given the following import use crate::lexer::{self, tokens::TokenData};, rustfmt would transform the self import into use crate::lexer::self;. Now rustfmt produces use crate::lexer::{self}; #4681
    • Prevent rustfmt from breaking long type links in doc comments on namespace qualifiers (::) when wrap_comments=true. Breaking these long type links over multiple lines prevented them from being properly rendered in rustdoc #5260
    • Correctly find the start of struct bodies after any generic const parameters. Naively searching for an opening { lead to issues since generic const parameters are also defined with {} (e.g. struct Example<const N: usize = { 1048576 }> {}) #5273
    • ๐Ÿ”€ Prevent rustfmt from merging derives when using inner or outer rustfmt::skip::attributes attributes. For example, #[rustfmt::skip::attributes(derive)] #5270
    • Retain trailing ; when rewriting macro calls in extern blocks. For example, extern "C" { x!(-); }#5281
    • โž• Add a newline when formatting struct fields preceded by both doc comments and inline comments to prevent the field from being merged into the inline comment. This was not an issue when a struct was preceded by just a doc comment or just an inline comment #5215

    โž• Added

    โœ‚ Removed

    • โœ‚ Removed unstable, nightly-only config option report_todo #5101
    • โœ‚ Removed unstable, nightly-only config option report_fixme #5102
    • Removed unstable, nightly-only config option license_template_path #5103


    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved performance when formatting large and deeply nested expression trees, often found in generated code, which have many expressions that exceed max_width #5128, #4867, #4476, #5139

    Install/Download Options

    • rustup (nightly) - nightly-2022-06-15
    • ๐Ÿš€ GitHub Release Binaries - Release v1.5.0
    • ๐Ÿ— Build from source - Tag v1.5.0, see instructions for how to [install rustfmt from source][install-from-source]