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Changelog History
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  • v12.1.0 Changes


    Tokei is a fast and accurate code analysis CLI tool and library, allowing you to 👀 easily and quickly see how many blank lines, comments, and lines of code are in 🚀 your codebase. All releases and work on Tokei and ([the free companion badge service][rs-info]) are [funded by the community through GitHub Sponsors][sponsor].

    🚀 You can always download the latest version of tokei through GitHub Releases or 📦 Cargo. Tokei is also available through other [package managers][pkg], though 🚀 they may not always contain the latest release.

    cargo install tokei

    📦 [pkg]: [rs-info]: [sponsor]:

    What's New?

    ➕ Added Languages

  • v12.0.4 Changes

    June 24, 2020


  • v12.0.4.a

    August 16, 2020
  • v12.0.3 Changes

    June 22, 2020


  • v12.0.2 Changes

    June 22, 2020


  • v12.0.1 Changes

    June 22, 2020

    🛠 Fix panic in edge condition

  • v12.0.0 Changes

    June 22, 2020


    Tokei is a fast and accurate code analysis CLI tool and library, allowing you to 👀 easily and quickly see how many blank lines, comments, and lines of code are in 🚀 your codebase. All releases and work on Tokei and ([the free companion badge service][rs-info]) are [funded by the community through GitHub Sponsors][sponsor].

    🚀 You can always download the latest version of tokei through GitHub Releases or 📦 Cargo. Tokei is also available through other [package managers][pkg], though 🚀 they may not always contain the latest release.

    cargo install tokei

    📦 [pkg]: [rs-info]: [sponsor]:

    What's New?

    Tokei 12 comes with some of the biggest user facing changes since 1.0, now in ✅ the latest version tokei will now analyse and count multiple languages 👍 embedded in your source code as well as adding support for Jupyter Notebooks. Now for the first time is able to handle and display different languages contained in a single source file. This currently available 👍 for a limited set of languages, with plans to add more support for more in the 👍 future. The currently supported languages are;

    HTML + Siblings (Vue, Svelte, Etc...)

    Tokei will now analyse and report the source code contained in <script>, 💅 <style>, and <template> tags in HTML and other similar languages. Tokei will read the value of thetype attribute from the <script> tag and detects the appropriate language based on its mime type or JavaScript if not present. Tokei 💅 will do the same for <style> and <template> except reading the lang 0️⃣ attribute instead of type and defaulting to CSS and HTML each respectively.

    Jupyter Notebooks

    Tokei will now read Jupyter Notebook files (.ipynb) and will read the source code and markdown from Jupyter's JSON and output the analysed result.


    Tokei will now detect any code blocks marked with specified source language and count each as their respective languages or as Markdown if not present or not 👀 found. Now you can easily see how many code examples are included in 📚 your documentation.


    📚 Tokei will now detect blocks of rustdoc documentation (e.g. //////!) and 📜 parse them as markdown.

    Verbatim Strings

    Tokei is now also capable of handling "verbatim" strings, which are strings that do not accept escape sequences like \. Thanks to @NickHackman for providing 👍 the implementation! This is initially supported for C++, C#, F#, and Rust.

    🆕 New Look

    To be able to show these new features, tokei's output has been changed to look like below. For brevity the CLI only displays one level deep in each language, 📜 however the library's parser is fully recursive and you can get access to the complete report using the library or by outputting the JSON format.

     Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
     BASH                    4           49           30           10            9
     JSON                    1         1332         1332            0            0
     Shell                   1           49           38            1           10
     TOML                    2           77           64            4            9
     Markdown                5         1230            0          965          265
     |- JSON                 1           41           41            0            0
     |- Rust                 2           53           42            6            5
     |- Shell                1           22           18            0            4
     (Total)                           1346          101          971          274
     Rust                   19         3349         2782          116          451
     |- Markdown            12          351            5          295           51
     (Total)                           3700         2787          411          502
     Total                  32         6553         4352         1397          804

    👀 This feature is not just limited to the default output of tokei. You can see it broken down by each file with the --files option.

     Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
     Markdown                5         1230            0          965          265
     |- JSON                 1           41           41            0            0
     |- Rust                 2           53           42            6            5
     |- Shell                1           22           18            0            4
     (Total)                           1346          101          971          274
     ./                46            0           28           18
     ./                     570            0          434          136
    -- ./ --------------------------------------------------------------
     |- Markdown                          4            0            3            1
     |- Rust                              6            4            1            1
     |- (Total)                          10            4            4            2
    -- ./ ----------------------------------------------------------------
     |- Markdown                        498            0          421           77
     |- Shell                            22           18            0            4
     |- (Total)                         520           18          421           81
    -- ./ ----------------------------------------------------------
     |- Markdown                        112            0           79           33
     |- JSON                             41           41            0            0
     |- Rust                             46           38            4            4
     |- (Total)                         200           79           84           37
     Total                   5         1346          101          971          274

    💥 Breaking Changes

    • The JSON Output and format of Languages has changed.
    • 🚚 The JSON feature has been removed and is now included by default.
    • 👍 Stats has been split into Report and CodeStats to better represent the separation between analysing a file versus a blob of code.
  • v11.2.1

    May 28, 2020
  • v11.2.0 Changes

    May 20, 2020
    • @alexmaco Added shebang and env detection for Crystal.
    • ⚡️ @NickHackman Updated both Vue and HTML to count CSS & JS comments as comments.
    • @XAMPPRocky renamed Perl6's display name to Rakudo.
    • 💎 @dbackeus Added erb extension for Ruby HTML.
    • 🔧 @kobataiwan Tokei will now check for a configuration file in your home directory as well as your current and configuration directory.
    • ⚡️ @dependabot Updated dependencies

    Added Languages

    • @alexmaco Dhall
    • @NickHackman Svelte
    • @athas Futhark
    • @morphy2k Gohtml
    • @LucasMW Headache
    • @rosasynstylae Tsx
    • @XAMPPRocky OpenType Feature Files
  • v11.1.1

    May 06, 2020