wgpu v0.14.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-10-05 // over 1 year ago
  • Major Changes

    ⚠ @invariant Warning

    ⚠ When using CompareFunction::Equal or CompareFunction::NotEqual on a pipeline, there is now a warning logged if the vertex shader does not have a @invariant tag on it. On some machines, rendering the same triangles multiple times without an @invariant tag will result in slightly different depths for every pixel. Because the *Equal functions rely on depth being the same every time it is rendered, we now warn if it is missing.

    -fn vert_main(v_in: VertexInput) -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> {...}
    +fn vert_main(v_in: VertexInput) -> @builtin(position) @invariant vec4<f32> {...}

    Surface Alpha and PresentModes

    Surface supports alpha_mode now. When alpha_mode is equal to PreMultiplied or PostMultiplied, the alpha channel of framebuffer is respected in the compositing process, but which mode is available depends on the different API and Device. If don't care about alpha_mode, you can set it to Auto.

    SurfaceConfiguration {
    // ...
    + alpha_mode: surface.get_supported_alpha_modes(&adapter)[0],

    πŸ‘ The function to enumerate supported presentation modes changed:

    - pub fn wgpu::Surface::get_supported_modes(&self, adapter: &wgpu::Adapter) -> Vec<PresentMode>
    + pub fn wgpu::Surface::get_supported_present_modes(&self, adapter: &wgpu::Adapter) -> Vec<PresentMode>

    ⚑️ Updated raw-window-handle to 0.5

    βœ… This will allow use of the latest version of winit. As such the bound on create_surface is now RWH 0.5 and requires both raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle and raw_window_handle::HasRawDisplayHandle.

    βž• Added/New Features

    • βž• Add Buffer::size() and Buffer::usage(); by @kpreid in #2923
    • Split Blendability and Filterability into Two Different TextureFormatFeatureFlags; by @stakka in #3012
    • πŸ”¦ Expose alpha_mode on SurfaceConfiguration, by @jinleili in #2836
    • Introduce fields for driver name and info in AdapterInfo, by @i509VCB in #3037
    • βž• Add way to create gles hal textures from raw gl names to allow externally managed textures. By @i509VCB #3046
    • Implemented copy_external_image_to_texture on WebGPU, by @ybiletskyi in #2781

    πŸ› Bug Fixes


    • πŸ†“ Free StagingBuffers even when an error occurs in the operation that consumes them. By @jimblandy in #2961
    • Avoid overflow when checking that texture copies fall within bounds. By @jimblandy in #2963
    • πŸ‘Œ Improve the validation and error reporting of buffer mappings by @nical in #2848
    • πŸ›  Fix compilation errors when using wgpu-core in isolation while targetting wasm32-unknown-unknown by @Seamooo in #2922
    • πŸ›  Fixed opening of RenderDoc library by @abuffseagull in #2930
    • Added missing validation for BufferUsages mismatches when Features::MAPPABLE_PRIMARY_BUFFERS is not enabled. By @imberflur in #3023
    • πŸ›  Fixed CommandEncoder not being Send and Sync on web by @i509VCB in #3025
    • Document meaning of vendor in AdapterInfo if the vendor has no PCI id.
    • πŸ›  Fix missing resource labels from some Errors by @scoopr in #3066


    • Add the missing msg_send![view, retain] call within from_view by @jinleili in #2976
    • Fix max_buffer max_texture and max_vertex_buffers limits by @jinleili in #2978
    • Remove PrivateCapabilities's format_rgb10a2_unorm_surface field by @jinleili in #2981
    • πŸ›  Fix validation error when copying into a subset of a single-layer texture by @nical in #3063
    • Fix _buffer_sizes encoding by @dtiselice in #3047


    • πŸ›  FixΒ astc_hdrΒ formats support by @jinleili in [#2971]](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/2971)
    • ⚑️ Update to Naga b209d911 (2022-9-1) to avoid generating SPIR-V that violates Vulkan valid usage rules VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-06202 and VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-04744. By @jimblandy in #3008
    • πŸ›  Fix bug where the Vulkan backend would panic when using a supported window and display handle but the dependent extensions are not available by @i509VCB in #3054.


    • Report vendor id for Mesa and Apple GPUs. By @i509VCB #3036
    • Report Apple M2 gpu as integrated. By @i509VCB #3036


    • πŸ‘· When called in a web worker, Context::init() now uses web_sys::WorkerGlobalContext to create a wgpu::Instance instead of trying to access the unavailable web_sys::Window by @JolifantoBambla in #2858

    πŸ”„ Changes


    • πŸ”„ Changed wgpu-hal and wgpu-core implementation to pass RawDisplayHandle and RawWindowHandle as separate parameters instead of passing an impl trait over both HasRawDisplayHandle and HasRawWindowHandle. By @i509VCB in #3022
    • πŸ”„ Changed Instance::as_hal<A> to just return an Option<&A::Instance> rather than taking a callback. By @jimb in #2991
    • βž• Added downlevel restriction error message for InvalidFormatUsages error by @Seamooo in #2886
    • βž• Add warning when using CompareFunction::*Equal with vertex shader that is missing @invariant tag by @cwfitzgerald in #2887
    • ⚑️ Update Winit to version 0.27 and raw-window-handle to 0.5 by @wyatt-herkamp in #2918
    • βž• Address Clippy 0.1.63 complaints. By @jimblandy in #2977
    • Don't use PhantomData for IdentityManager's Input type. By @jimblandy in #2972
    • πŸ”„ Changed Naga variant in ShaderSource to Cow<'static, Module>, to allow loading global variables by @daxpedda in #2903
    • ⚑️ Updated the maximum binding index to match the WebGPU specification by @nical in #2957


    • Extract the generic code into get_metal_layer by @jinleili in #2826


    • βœ‚ Remove use of Vulkan12Features/Properties types. By @i509VCB in #2936
    • Provide a means for wgpu users to access vk::Queue and the queue index. By @anlumo in #2950
    • πŸ‘‰ Use the use effective api version for determining device features instead of wrongly assuming VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.apiVersion is the actual version of the device. By @i509VCB in #3011
    • 🚚 DropGuard has been moved to the root of the wgpu-hal crate. By @i509VCB #3046


    • βž• Add Rgba16Float format support for color attachments. By @jinleili in #3045
    • TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ASTC_HDR feature detection by @jinleili in #3042

    🐎 Performance

    • Made StagingBelt::write_buffer() check more thoroughly for reusable memory; by @kpreid in #2906

    πŸ“š Documentation

    • βž• Add WGSL examples to complement existing examples written in GLSL by @norepimorphism in #2888
    • Document wgpu_core resource allocation. @jimblandy in #2973
    • πŸ“š Expanded StagingBelt documentation by @kpreid in #2905
    • Fixed documentation for Instance::create_surface_from_canvas and Instance::create_surface_from_offscreen_canvas regarding their safety contract. These functions are not unsafe. By @jimblandy #2990
    • Document that write_buffer_with() is sound but unwise to read from by @kpreid in #3006
    • Explain why Adapter::as_hal and Device::as_hal have to take callback functions. By @jimblandy in #2992

    ⚑️ Dependency Updates


    • ⚑️ Update wasm32 dependencies, set alpha_mode on web target by @jinleili in #3040

    πŸ— Build Configuration

    • βž• Add the "strict_asserts" feature, to enable additional internal run-time validation in wgpu-core. By @jimblandy in #2872.

    Full API Diff

    Manual concatination of cargo public-api --diff-git-checkouts v0.13.2 v0.14.0 -p wgpu and cargo public-api --diff-git-checkouts v0.13.2 v0.14.0 -p wgpu-types

    Removed items from the public API
    -pub fn wgpu::Surface::get_supported_modes(&self, adapter: &wgpu::Adapter) -> Vec<PresentMode>
    -pub const wgpu::Features::DEPTH24UNORM_STENCIL8: Self
    -pub enum variant wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth24UnormStencil8
    Changed items in the public API
    -pub unsafe fn wgpu::Instance::as_hal<A: wgc::hub::HalApi, F: FnOnce(Option<&<A as >::Instance>) -> R, R>(&self, hal_instance_callback: F) -> R
    +pub unsafe fn wgpu::Instance::as_hal<A: wgc::hub::HalApi>(&self) -> Option<&<A as >::Instance>
    -pub unsafe fn wgpu::Instance::create_surface<W: raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle>(&self, window: &W) -> wgpu::Surface
    +pub unsafe fn wgpu::Instance::create_surface<W: raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle + raw_window_handle::HasRawDisplayHandle>(&self, window: &W) -> wgpu::Surface
    Added items to the public API
    +pub fn wgpu::Buffer::size(&self) -> wgt::BufferAddress
    +pub fn wgpu::Buffer::usage(&self) -> BufferUsages
    +pub fn wgpu::Surface::get_supported_alpha_modes(&self, adapter: &wgpu::Adapter) -> Vec<CompositeAlphaMode>
    +pub fn wgpu::Surface::get_supported_present_modes(&self, adapter: &wgpu::Adapter) -> Vec<PresentMode>
    +#[repr(C)] pub enum wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +impl RefUnwindSafe for wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +impl Send for wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +impl Sync for wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +impl Unpin for wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +impl UnwindSafe for wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +pub const wgpu::Features::DEPTH24PLUS_STENCIL8: Self
    +pub const wgpu::TextureFormatFeatureFlags::BLENDABLE: Self
    +pub enum variant wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Auto = 0
    +pub enum variant wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Inherit = 4
    +pub enum variant wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Opaque = 1
    +pub enum variant wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::PostMultiplied = 3
    +pub enum variant wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::PreMultiplied = 2
    +pub enum variant wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth16Unorm
    +pub fn wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::clone(&self) -> wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode
    +pub fn wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::eq(&self, other: &wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode) -> bool
    +pub fn wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> $crate::fmt::Result
    +pub fn wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::hash<__H: $crate::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H) -> ()
    +pub struct field wgpu::AdapterInfo::driver: String
    +pub struct field wgpu::AdapterInfo::driver_info: String
    +pub struct field wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration::alpha_mode: wgpu_types::CompositeAlphaMode

Previous changes from v0.13.2

  • πŸ› Bug Fixes


    • Prefer DeviceType::DiscreteGpu over DeviceType::Other for PowerPreference::LowPower so Vulkan is preferred over OpenGL again by @Craig-Macomber in #2853
    • Allow running get_texture_format_features on unsupported texture formats (returning no flags) by @cwfitzgerald in #2856
    • Allow multi-sampled textures that are supported by the device but not WebGPU if TEXTURE_ADAPTER_SPECIFIC_FORMAT_FEATURES is enabled by @cwfitzgerald in #2856
    • get_texture_format_features only lists the COPY_* usages if the adapter actually supports that usage by @cwfitzgerald in #2856
    • πŸ›  Fix bind group / pipeline deduplication not taking into account RenderBundle execution resetting these values by @shoebe #2867
    • πŸ›  Fix panics that occur when using as_hal functions when the hal generic type does not match the hub being looked up in by @i509VCB #2871
    • βž• Add some validation in map_async by @nical in #2876
    • πŸ›  Fix bugs when mapping/unmapping zero-sized buffers and ranges by @nical in #2877
    • πŸ›  Fix out-of-bound write in map_buffer with non-zero offset by @nical in #2916
    • Validate the number of color attachments in create_render_pipeline by @nical in #2913
    • Validate against the maximum binding index in create_bind_group_layout by @nical in #2892
    • Validate that map_async's range is not negative by @nical in #2938
    • Fix calculation/validation of layer/mip ranges in create_texture_view by @nical in #2955
    • Validate the sample count and mip level in copy_texture_to_buffer by @nical in #2958
    • πŸ”¦ Expose the cause of the error in the map_async callback in #2939


    • DownlevelCapabilities::default() now returns the ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING flag set to true so DX12 lists ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING as true again by @cwfitzgerald in #2851
    • Properly query format features for UAV/SRV usages of depth formats by @cwfitzgerald in #2856


    • Vulkan 1.0 drivers that support VK_KHR_multiview now properly report the MULTIVIEW feature as supported by @i509VCB in #2934.
    • Stop using VkPhysicalDevice11Features in Vulkan 1.1 which is confusingly provided in Vulkan 1.2 by @i509VCB in #2934.


    • πŸ›  Fix depth stencil texture format capability by @jinleili in #2854
    • get_texture_format_features now only returns usages for formats it actually supports by @cwfitzgerald in #2856


    • πŸ‘ Allow access to queue family index in Vulkan hal by @i509VCB in #2859
    • πŸ‘ Allow access to the EGLDisplay and EGLContext pointer in Gles hal Adapter and Device by @i509VCB in #2860

    πŸ“š Documentation

    • ⚑️ Update present_mode docs as most of them don't automatically fall back to Fifo anymore. by @Elabajaba in #2855


    • Document safety requirements for Adapter::from_external in gles hal by @i509VCB in #2863
    • πŸ‘‰ Make AdapterContext a publicly accessible type in the gles hal by @i509VCB in #2870