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JSON packages

Showing projects tagged as JSON

  • json

    9.0 9.1 Rust
    Strongly typed JSON library for Rust
  • rust-jwt

    7.7 5.6 Rust
    JWT lib in rust
  • json-rust

    5.7 0.0 Rust
    JSON implementation in Rust
  • pikkr

    5.6 0.0 Rust
    JSON parser which picks up values directly without performing tokenization in Rust
  • frank_jwt

    4.6 3.1 Rust
    JSON Web Token implementation in Rust.
  • hjson-rust for serde

    3.4 6.8 Rust
    Hjson for Rust
  • queryst

    2.5 2.5 Rust
    Rust query string parser with nesting support