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Library packages

Showing projects tagged as Library

  • Rhai

    8.7 8.8 Rust
    Rhai - An embedded scripting language for Rust.
  • dyon

    7.5 5.4 Rust
    A rusty dynamically typed scripting language
  • Ketos

    6.1 0.0 Rust
    Lisp dialect scripting and extension language for Rust programs

    6.0 10.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Completely OBSOLETE Rust HTTP library (server and client)
  • promkit

    4.5 9.4 Rust
    A toolkit for building interactive prompt in Rust
  • rust-GSL

    4.3 5.7 Rust
    A GSL (the GNU Scientific Library) binding for Rust
  • rust-vst2

    4.3 0.0 Rust
    VST 2.4 API implementation in rust. Create plugins or hosts.