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Platform specific packages

Showing projects tagged as Platform specific

  • nix

    8.6 9.2 Rust
    Rust friendly bindings to *nix APIs
  • rust-fuse

    6.9 0.0 Rust
    Rust library for filesystems in userspace (FUSE)
  • System76 Power Management

    5.9 7.4 Rust
    Power profile management for Linux
  • inotify-rs

    4.7 6.7 Rust
    Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language
  • rust-iptables

    3.0 1.4 Rust
    Rust bindings for iptables
  • sys-mount

    2.7 5.6 Rust
    High level FFI binding around the sys mount & umount2 calls, for Rust