printpdf v0.2.3 Release Notes

    • 🖨 printpdf now uses rusttype and does not require freetype anymore! There was an ugly character-spacing hack that was fixed. You should now be able to build printpdf on windows without further setup.
    • Millimeters and points are now strongly typed - instead of f64, you now must denote the scale with Pt(f64), Mm(f64) or Px(f64). The mm_to_pt! and pt_to_mm! macros have been dropped since you can now do true conversions between these types. The reason for this change was because this raw f64-based conversion bit me hard while using the library.
    • The Line now has a different API and no new() function anymore. This is because Line::new(true, false, true) is less expressive than Line { has_stroke: true, ... }.