Popular Comparisons
Rim is an aspiring Vim-like text editor written in Rust.
Current state
Rim is in an early prototype stage. This means that you can load, edit and save files, and hopefully do so relatively comfortably if Vim is what you are used to. In particular some of the simpler commands for insertion and deletion as well as window and buffer navigation has been implemented and bound to the expected key strokes.
Try it out
Simply clone and cargo run
Note: Some key bindings are for testing purposes only, and some may not work exactly as you would expect them to.
Window navigation
- Split focused window<C-w>c
- Close focused window<C-w> h/j/k/l
- Move window focus left/down/up/rightn/N
- Move window focus forward/backward in window order (for testing)(<C->) y/u
- Resize focused window (for testing)<C-w>=
- Reset window sizes
Buffer navigation
h/j/k/l/Arrow keys
- Move caretHome/0
- Move caret to start of lineEnd/$
- Move caret to end of linePageUp/<C-b>
- Scroll view up by window's lengthPageDown/<C-f>
- Scroll view down by window's length<C-u>
- Scroll view up by half of window's length<C-d>
- Scroll view down by half of window's lengthgg
- Go to first lineG
- Go to last lineSpace
in normal mode - move caret forward across line boundariesBackspace
in normal mode - move caret backward across line boundaries
- Enter insert modeI
- Enter insert mode at start of linea
- Enter insert mode after caretA
- Enter insert mode at end of lineo
- Enter insert mode at a new line under the current lineO
- Enter insert mode at a new line above the current lineEscape
- Exit insert mode
- Delete lineD
- Delete rest of lineC
- Delete rest of line and enter insert modex
- Delete character under the cursorX
- Delete character behind the cursorr
- Replace character under the cursorR
- Replace character on the line
Misc / For testing until a proper command line is implemented
- Load some buffers:qa<Enter>
- Quit:q<Enter>
- Close window and quit if it's the last one:w<Enter>
- Write buffer to file