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Engine packages

Showing projects tagged as Engine

  • bevy

    9.9 10.0 Rust
    A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust
  • Amethyst

    9.6 6.6 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Data-oriented and data-driven game engine written in Rust
  • piston

    8.9 4.8 Rust
    A modular game engine written in Rust
  • RG3D

    8.9 9.8 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. 3D and 2D game engine written in Rust [Moved to:]
  • ggez

    8.9 0.0 Rust
    Rust library to create a Good Game Easily
  • rust-sdl2

    8.4 8.6 Rust
    SDL2 bindings for Rust
  • nphysics

    7.5 0.0 Rust
    2 and 3-dimensional rigid body physics engine for Rust.
  • kiss3d

    7.4 4.5 Rust
    Keep it simple, stupid 3d graphics engine for Rust.
  • Coffee

    6.7 0.0 Rust
    An opinionated 2D game engine for Rust
  • Tetra

    6.5 6.0 Rust
    🎮 A simple 2D game framework written in Rust
  • specs-blit

    0.8 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. 🤹‍ 2D sprite rendering extension for the specs ECS system