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Perl XS for Rust
High-level Rust bindings to Perl XS API.
xs! {
package Array::Sum;
sub sum_array(ctx, array: AV) {
array.iter().map(|it| it.unwrap_or(0.0)).sum::<NV>()
For a more complete example see the XSTest package in the t/
- safety
- correctness
- speed
Perl XS API is deliberately low-level and requires user to maintain a good deal of internal invariants, thus allowing for very fast code. This package takes a different approach of encapsulating implementation details to provide a simpler and safer API at the cost of speed.
For now, this library focuses on Perl's public documented API, which is a small subset of what is available to authors of modules written in C.
Work in progress
This project is very much in progress. It is not yet clear if project goals are attainable at all or if the API will make any sense in practice.
How to use
integrates traditional Perl build system with
Cargo, allowing Rust code to be compiled and installed using familiar
perl Makefile.PL && make
process. For example, see test package
under t
- Perl 5.20+ (for 64-bit array methods)
- Rust 1.31+
To install packages required for testing and benchmarking:
cpanm --installdeps .
To run tests:
(cd t && perl Makefile.PL && make test)