Development Tools packages

Showing projects tagged as Development Tools

  • just

    9.8 9.5 Rust
    ๐Ÿค– Just a command runner
  • YouCompleteMe

    9.8 7.8 L5 Python
    A code-completion engine for Vim
  • rust-analyzer

    9.7 10.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs [Moved to:]
  • PyO3

    9.6 9.7 Rust
    Rust bindings for the Python interpreter
  • gdbgui

    9.5 4.6 TypeScript
    Browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Add breakpoints, view the stack, visualize data structures, and more in C, C++, Go, Rust, and Fortran. Run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will open in your browser.
  • rr

    9.4 9.5 L1 C++
    Record and Replay Framework
  • neon

    9.3 8.9 Rust
    Rust bindings for writing safe and fast native Node.js modules.
  • Rustup

    9.2 9.8 Rust
    The Rust toolchain installer
  • rustfmt

    9.2 9.3 Rust
    Format Rust code
  • Rust Language Server

    8.9 7.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Repository for the Rust Language Server (aka RLS)
  • intellij-rust

    8.9 9.7 Kotlin
    Rust plugin for the IntelliJ Platform
  • Rustler

    8.9 8.7 Rust
    Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
  • rust.vim

    8.8 0.0 Vim Script
    Vim configuration for Rust.
  • Racer

    8.5 0.0 Rust
    Rust Code Completion utility
  • cbindgen

    8.2 8.0 Rust
    A project for generating C bindings from Rust code
  • CodeLLDB

    8.2 8.7 L4 Rust
    A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB
  • cargo-make

    8.1 9.1 Rust
    Rust task runner and build tool.
  • rust-cross

    8.1 0.0 Shell
    Everything you need to know about cross compiling Rust programs!
  • tarpaulin

    8.1 9.2 Rust
    A code coverage tool for Rust projects
  • helix

    8.0 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. Native Ruby extensions without fear
  • proptest

    7.6 8.3 Rust
    Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
  • rust-cpython

    7.6 5.3 Rust
    Rust <-> Python bindings
  • SolidOak

    7.6 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. a simple IDE for Rust, based on GTK+ and Neovim

    7.4 8.9 L4 Rust
    ๐Ÿ‡ Fuzzing Rust code with American Fuzzy Lop
  • jni-rs

    7.2 6.3 Rust
    Rust bindings to the Java Native Interface โ€” JNI
  • rust-mode

    7.1 7.4 Emacs Lisp
    Emacs configuration for Rust
  • cargo-release

    7.1 9.0 Rust
    Cargo subcommand `release`: everything about releasing a rust crate.
  • trust

    7.0 0.0 Shell
    Travis CI and AppVeyor template to test your Rust crate on 5 architectures and publish binary releases of it for Linux, macOS and Windows
  • xargo

    6.9 0.0 Rust
    The sysroot manager that lets you build and customize `std`
  • cargo-update

    6.9 7.5 Rust
    A cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables