nalgebra v0.28.0 Release Notes

  • โž• Added

    • Implement Hash for Transform.
    • Implement Borrow and BorrowMut for contiguous slices.


    • The OPoint<T, D> type has been added. It takes the dimension number as a type-level integer (e.g. Const<3>) instead of a const-generic. The type Point<T, const D: usize> is now an alias for OPoint. This changes doesn't affect any of the existing code using Point. However, it will allow the use OPoint in a generic context where the dimension cannot be easily expressed as a const-generic (because of the current limitation of const-generics in Rust).
    • โš  Several clippy warnings were fixed. This results in some method signature changes (e.g. taking self instead of &self) but this should not have any practical infulances on existing codebase.
    • The Point::new constructors are no longer const-fn. This is due to some limitations in const-fn not allowing custom trait-bounds. Use the point! macro instead to build points in const environments.
    • Dynamic::new and Unit::new_unchecked are now const-fn.
    • Methods returning Result<(), ()> now return bool instead.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a potential unsoundess issue when converting a mutable slice to a &mut[T].