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Bindings packages

Showing projects tagged as GUI and Bindings

  • Rinf

    7.6 9.8 Rust
    Rust for native business logic, Flutter for flexible and beautiful GUI
  • ritual

    7.0 0.0 Rust
    Use C++ libraries from Rust
  • Rust Qt Binding Generator git

    6.2 7.6 Rust
    Generate bindings to use Rust code in Qt and QML
  • QML-rust

    4.7 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. QML (Qt Quick) bindings for Rust language
  • Neutrino

    4.5 0.0 Rust
    DISCONTINUED. A GUI frontend in Rust based on web-view
  • wxRust

    3.6 0.0 Rust
    A Rust binding of the wxWidgets cross platform toolkit.
  • qmlrsng

    0.9 0.0 QML
    Qt Quick / QML bindings for Rust